function appbgf(lood) { htmlapp=''; if(app.FileExists('/Sys/htmlapp/app/index.html')) { htmlapp="file:///Sys/htmlapp/app/index.html?aurltma="; }else{ htmlapp=''; } return htmlapp + lood; } function apphhfff(lood) { htmlapp=''; if(app.FileExists('/Sys/htmlapp/lohtml.html')) { htmlapp="file:///Sys/htmlapp/lohtml.html?aurltma="; }else{ htmlapp=''; } return htmlapp + lood; } //webostma-------------------- var file = "demofileurl1"; function webostma() { var valuetma = app.LoadText( "valueurl", "", file ); app.ShowTextDialog( "آدرس سایت حدف:", valuetma , OnInputName ); } function OnInputName( name ) { titurl=''; app.SaveText( "valueurl",name , file ); dlg = app.CreateDialog('','NoCancel') dlg.SetTitleColor( "#00796B" ); dlg.SetBackColor( "#ffffff", 5 ); //Create a layout for dialog. layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear" ) layDlg.SetMargins( 0,0,0,0.01 ); dlg.AddLayout( layDlg ); //------------------------- // app.ShowPopup( "Your name is " + name ); //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ) //Create a web control. webtmaappos = app.CreateWebView( 0.98, 0.85 ,'IgnoreErrors') //////////////////////// function ontop(){ /* webtmaappos.Execute('const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("notice-success");'); webtopup.Execute('collection[0].style.display = "none";'); webtmaappos.Execute('const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("notice");'); webtopup.Execute('collection[0].style.display = "none";'); webtmaappos.Execute('document.getElementById("publish").style.position = "fixed";'); webtmaappos.Execute('document.getElementById("publish") = "1%";'); webtmaappos.Execute('document.getElementById("publish").style.left = "10%";'); webtmaappos.Execute('document.getElementById("save-action").style.position = "fixed";'); webtmaappos.Execute('document.getElementById("save-action") = "1%";'); */ } webtmaappos.SetOnTouch( ontop ); ////////////////////// webtmaappos.LoadUrl(apphhfff(name)); webtmaappos.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgesstma ) function ontsaveoder( progress ) { app.SaveText( "valueurl",webtmaappos.GetUrl() , file ); } webtmaappos.SetOnTouch( ontsaveoder ); lay.AddChild( webtmaappos ) //Create horizontal sub-layout for buttons. layHoriz = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Horizontal" ) //Create Local button. btnback = app.CreateButton( "🔙" ,-1,-1,'Custom,HTML') btnback.SetTextSize( 10 ) function btnback_OnTouch() { webtmaappos.Back(); } btnback.SetOnTouch( btnback_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnback ) //Create Dynamic button. btnref = app.CreateButton( "🔄" ) function btnref_OnTouch() { webtmaappos.Reload(); } btnref.SetOnTouch( btnref_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnref ) //Create Remote button. btnfw = app.CreateButton( "➡️" ) function btnfw_OnTouch() { webtmaappos.Forward(); } btnfw.SetOnTouch( btnfw_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnfw ) btnurl = app.CreateButton( "🌐" ) function btnurl_OnTouch() { function OnName2( name ) { webtmaappos.LoadUrl(name); } app.ShowTextDialog( "آدرس سایت حدف:",webtmaappos.GetUrl(), OnName2 ); } btnurl.SetOnTouch( btnurl_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnurl ) btnmin = app.CreateButton( "❌" ) function btnmin_OnTouch() { dlg.Dismiss(); } btnmin.SetOnTouch( btnmin_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnmin ) btnourl = app.CreateButton( "📤" ) function btnourl_OnTouch() { app.OpenUrl(webtmaappos.GetUrl(),'text/html','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } btnourl.SetOnTouch( btnourl_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnourl ) //Add horizontal layout to main layout. lay.AddChild( layHoriz ) //Add layout to app. //Called when user touches Local button. //(We could use a url like "file:///sdcard/MyPage.htm") function btnLocal_OnTouch() { webtmaappos.LoadUrl( "file:///Sys/Html/Page.htm" ) } //Called when user touches Dynamic button. function btnDynamic_OnTouch() { var html = ""; html += ""; html += "Hello Dynamic World!
"; html += ""; html += ""; webtmaappos.LoadHtml( html, "file:///Sys/" ) } //Called when user touches Remote button. function btnRemote_OnTouch() { app.ShowProgress("Loading...") webtmaappos.LoadUrl( "" ) } //Show page load progress. function web_OnProgesstma( progress ) { app.Debug( "progress = " + progress ) if( progress==100 ) { app.HideProgress() titurl=webtmaappos.GetUrl()+'-'+webtmaappos.GetTitle(); app.SaveText( "valueurl",webtmaappos.GetUrl() , file ); } } layDlg.AddChild( lay ); //------------------------- //Create a list control. //Show dialog. dlg.Show() } //-------------- function OnInputName02( name ) { titurl=''; //app.SaveText( "valueurl",name , file ); dlg = app.CreateDialog('','') dlg.SetTitleColor( "#00796B" ); dlg.SetBackColor( "#ffffff", 5 ); //Create a layout for dialog. layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear" ) layDlg.SetMargins( 0,0,0,0.01 ); dlg.AddLayout( layDlg ); //------------------------- // app.ShowPopup( "Your name is " + name ); //Create a layout with objects vertically centered. lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ) //Create a web control. webtmaappos = app.CreateWebView( 0.98, 0.85 ,'IgnoreErrors') webtmaappos.LoadUrl(apphhfff(name)); webtmaappos.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgesstma ) function ontsaveoder( progress ) { //app.SaveText( "valueurl",webtmaappos.GetUrl() , file ); } webtmaappos.SetOnTouch( ontsaveoder ); lay.AddChild( webtmaappos ) //Create horizontal sub-layout for buttons. layHoriz = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Horizontal" ) //Create Local button. btnback = app.CreateButton( "🔙" ,-1,-1,'Custom,HTML') btnback.SetTextSize( 10 ) function btnback_OnTouch() { webtmaappos.Back(); } btnback.SetOnTouch( btnback_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnback ) //Create Dynamic button. btnref = app.CreateButton( "🔄" ) function btnref_OnTouch() { webtmaappos.Reload(); } btnref.SetOnTouch( btnref_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnref ) //Create Remote button. btnfw = app.CreateButton( "p" ) // function html2Text( html ) { var tagRegexp; // the following tags will be removed, but their contents will be maintained var tags_unwrap = [ 'a', 'b', 'span', 'i', 'em', 'u', 'strong', 'sup', 'center', 'font' ]; // the following tags will be stripped, as well as their contents var tags_strip = [ 'iframe', 'img', 'script', 'style', 'link', 'object', 'embed', 'table' ]; // the following tags will include white space below var tags_block_level = [ 'p', 'blockquote', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6' , 'iframe', 'img', 'script', 'style', 'link', 'object', 'embed', 'table' , 'a', 'b', 'span', 'i', 'em', 'u', 'strong', 'sup', 'center', 'font' ]; html = html.replace(/]*>/g,""); html = html.replace(/]*>/g,""); html = html.replace(/]*>/g,""); html = html.replace(/]*>/g,""); html = html.replace(/]*>/g,""); html = html.replace(/]*>/g,""); for( var i in tags_block_level ) { tagRegexp = new RegExp( '\s+(\<'+tags_block_level[i]+'\>)' ); html = html.replace( tagRegexp, '$1' ); html = html.replace('\s+(\<'+tags_block_level[i]+'\>)',""); } // strip excess white space html = html.replace( /(\r\n|\r|\n)\s+/g, '\n' ); tagRegexp = new RegExp( '\s*(<\/('+tags_block_level.concat(['div']).join('|')+')\s*>)\s+', 'gi' ); html = html.replace( tagRegexp, '$1' ); tagRegexp = new RegExp( '\s*(<('+tags_block_level.concat(['div']).join('|')+')(\s+[^>]+){0,1}>)\s+', 'gi' ); html = html.replace( tagRegexp, '$1' ); html = html.replace( /(\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '' ); html = html.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ); // strip some excess white space //html = html.replace( /\n +/g, '\n' ); html = html.replace( /^ +/g, '' ); html = html.replace( / +$/g, '' ); // return the html //alert(html); return html; } function btnfw_OnTouch() { var myHTML = html2Text(B[findindex].content.rendered ); var strippedHtml = myHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ""); //alert(strippedHtml) jsonweb(html2Text(strippedHtml ) ); app.SendText(strippedHtml, "tmapost.txt", "Choose an app"); } btnfw.SetOnTouch( btnfw_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnfw ) btnurl = app.CreateButton( "🌐" ) function btnurl_OnTouch() { function OnName2( name ) { webtmaappos.LoadUrl(name); } app.ShowTextDialog( "آدرس سایت حدف:",webtmaappos.GetUrl(), OnName2 ); } btnurl.SetOnTouch( btnurl_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnurl ) btnmin = app.CreateButton( "❌" ) function btnmin_OnTouch() { dlg.Dismiss(); } btnmin.SetOnTouch( btnmin_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnmin ) btnourl = app.CreateButton( "📤" ) function btnourl_OnTouch() { app.OpenUrl(webtmaappos.GetUrl(),'text/html','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } btnourl.SetOnTouch( btnourl_OnTouch ) layHoriz.AddChild( btnourl ) //Add horizontal layout to main layout. lay.AddChild( layHoriz ) //Add layout to app. //Called when user touches Local button. //(We could use a url like "file:///sdcard/MyPage.htm") function btnLocal_OnTouch() { webtmaappos.LoadUrl( "file:///Sys/Html/Page.htm" ) } //Called when user touches Dynamic button. function btnDynamic_OnTouch() { var html = ""; html += ""; html += "Hello Dynamic World!
"; html += ""; html += ""; webtmaappos.LoadHtml( html, "file:///Sys/" ) } //Called when user touches Remote button. function btnRemote_OnTouch() { app.ShowProgress("Loading...") webtmaappos.LoadUrl( "" ) } //Show page load progress. function web_OnProgesstma( progress ) { app.Debug( "progress = " + progress ) if( progress==100 ) { app.HideProgress() titurl=webtmaappos.GetUrl()+'-'+webtmaappos.GetTitle(); //app.SaveText( "valueurl",webtmaappos.GetUrl() , file ); } } layDlg.AddChild( lay ); //------------------------- //Create a list control. //Show dialog. dlg.Show() }function Speechapp() { speech.Recognize(); } function speech_OnReady() { app.ShowPopup( "در حال گوش دادن...", "Short" ); } function speech_OnResult( results ) { app.ShowPopup( results[0] ); //----------------------- text = results[0] position ="پنل "); t11='' if(position!=-1){ t11='چشم الان میرم'; webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); }else{ } app.ShowPopup( results[0] ); //----------------------- text = results[0] position ="پنل "); if(position==-1){ position ="panel"); } t11='پیام شما رو درک نمیکنم' if(position!=-1){ t11='چشم الان میرم'; webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); }else{ } //-- text = results[0] position ="دوربین "); if(position==-1){ position ="dorbin"); } if(position!=-1){ t11='چشم الان '; webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); }else{ } //-- text = results[0] position ="محمد باقری"); if(position==-1){ position ="Mohamed"); } if(position!=-1){ t11='الان زنگ میزنم به '; webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); }else{ } //-- text = results[0] position ="متین گلی زاده"); if(position==-1){ position ="matin"); } if(position!=-1){ t11='الان زنگ میزنم به '; webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); }else{ } //-- //----------------------- tmpmsg=t11+results[0]; appai(tmpmsg); } function speech_OnError() { app.ShowPopup( "لطفا واضح تر صحبت کنید!" ); } speech = app.CreateSpeechRec(); speech.SetOnReady( speech_OnReady ); speech.SetOnResult( speech_OnResult ); speech.SetOnError( speech_OnError ); var toUtf8 = function(text) { var surrogate = encodeURIComponent(text); var result = ''; for (var i = 0; i < surrogate.length;) { var character = surrogate[i]; i += 1; if (character == '%') { var hex = surrogate.substring(i, i += 2); if (hex) { result += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)); } } else { result += character; } } return result; }; function appai(txtai) { /* const array =txtai.split(' '); array.forEach(function (item, index) { console.log(item, index); app.PlaySound( "" + item ); }); */ app.PlaySound( "" + 'تیما:'+decodeURI( txtai) ); //speech_OnResult(decodeURI( txtai)); } function txt2aiplay() { app.ShowTextDialog( "متن خودتون رو بنویسید برات بخونم:", "", OnInputNametxt2aiplay ); } function OnInputNametxt2aiplay( name ) { name.replace(" ", "+"); name.replace("\n\b", "+"); name.replace("\n", "+"); appai(name) app.ShowPopup( " " + name ); }// converts HTML to text using Javascript /////////////// function isJson(str) { try { JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } function HandleReply0( httpRequest ) { if( httpRequest.readyState==4 ) { if( httpRequest.status==0 ) { //app.ShowPopup('offline') app.ShowPopup('اتصال اینترنت خود را بررسی کنید'); //storeUrl webpage.LoadUrl( storeUrl ); webpage.SetBackColor('#FFFFFF'); // laypage.Animate("SlideToBottom") // laypage.RemoveChild(webpage) laypage.SetBackground(sys+bgappmainwebb); appline='offline'; }else{ laypage.SetBackground(sys+bgappmainweb); appline='online'; // callback(xhr.response); if(httpRequest.responseText==""){ httpRequest.responseText=app.LoadText(datas,""); } script=app.LoadText(datas,""); rep=httpRequest.responseText; //script=httpRequest.responseText if( rep.length>100 ){ app.SaveText(datas,httpRequest.responseText); script=httpRequest.response; } } } } function loadhtmltma(url) { var xhrqq = new XMLHttpRequest(); datas=url; xhrqq.onreadystatechange = function() { HandleReply0(xhrqq); };'GET', url, true); xhrqq.send(''); //app.ShowPopup(app.LoadText(datas,"")); return app.LoadText(datas,""); } function httpGet(theUrl) { // alert(loadhtmltma(theUrl)) return loadhtmltma(theUrl); /* var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", theUrl, false ); // false for synchronous request // xmlHttp.send( '' ); xmlHttp.onload = function () { if(xmlHttp.status === 200 ) { //alert("succeed") } else { return ''; // alert("failed") } } alert(xmlHttp.responseText) xmlHttp.send(); if (xmlHttp.status === 200) { return xmlHttp.responseText; }else{ return ''; } */ } function jsondata(theUrl){ var urlString = theUrl; urlParams = httpGet(urlString); // alert(fileContents) var fileContents = urlParams; if(fileContents!=''){ var Book = JSON.parse(fileContents); return Book; } } //////////////// function jsonweb(data){ //// /* lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); web = app.CreateWebView( 1, 1 ); web.SetBackColor( "#00000000" ); lay.AddChild( web ); app.AddLayout( lay ); web.LoadHtml( data, "file:///Sys/" ); */ head=''; head=head+''; head=head+''; head=head+''; head=head+''; fot=''; //////////////////// dlg = app.CreateDialog( ); layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); layDlg.SetSize( 1, 0.85 ); dlg.AddLayout( layDlg ); /* chk = app.CreateCheckBox( "Check Box" ); chk.SetMargins( 0, 0.02, 0, 0.02 ); layDlg.AddChild( chk ); btnDlg = app.CreateButton( "Close Dialog", 0.6, 0.1 ); btnDlg.SetOnTouch( btnDlg_OnTouch ); layDlg.AddChild( btnDlg ); */ web = app.CreateWebView( 0.9, 0.8,"IgnoreErrors,NoScrollBars"); web.SetBackColor( "#FFFFFF" ); layDlg.AddChild( web ); traslate="
\r\n\r\n"; web.LoadHtml( head+data+''+fot+'', "file:///Sys/" ); //dlg.Dismiss(); // alert(head+traslate+data+'


'); dlg.Show(); ////////////////// } function newsapp(appurlnewsapp){ B=jsondata(appurlnewsapp+'/wp-json/wp/v2/posts'); cont=0; var list = [] var list0 = ''; function myFunction(value) { // txt += value + "
"; if (isJson(value)){ }else{ cont=cont+1; list.push({name:''+value.title.rendered,link:'',content:''+value.content.rendered}); list0=list0+','+value.title.rendered; //value.title.rendered //jsonweb(value.title.rendered); } } if(app.LoadText(appurlnewsapp+'/wp-json/wp/v2/posts','')==""){ app.ShowPopup('درحال بروزرسانی'); }else{ B.forEach(myFunction); } // lsd = app.CreateListDialog("", list,0.9,0.8) // lsd.SetOnSelect(OnTouchnews) lsd = app.CreateListDialog( "", list0 ); lsd.SetOnTouch( OnTouchnews ); function OnTouchnews(n,y) { //app.ShowPopup(y) // // pageurlwebpage=appurlnewsapp+n; findindex=-1; if(n!=''&& n!=null){ ////////////////++ for (let i = 0; i < B.length; i++) { if(B[i].title.rendered==n) { findindex=i; pageurlwebpage=B[i].link; } } if(appline!='offline'){ OnInputName02(pageurlwebpage); }else{ if(findindex!=-1){ app.ShowPopup('نمای آفلاین'); jsonweb(B[findindex].content.rendered); } } ////////////////////++ } /* //jsonweb(B[y].content.rendered); if(appline!='offline'){ pageurlwebpage=n; OnInputName02(pageurlwebpage); }else{ app.ShowPopup('نمای آفلاین'); jsonweb(B[y].content.rendered); } */ } lsd.Show() //alert(cont); } //Called when user touches our button. function newstma() { //Create dialog window. dlg = app.CreateDialog( "Choose a Fruit" ) dlg.SetTitleColor( "#00796B" ) dlg.SetBackColor( "#ffffff", 5 ) //Create a layout for dialog. layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "vertical,fillxy,left" ) layDlg.SetMargins( 0,0,0,0.01 ) dlg.AddLayout( layDlg ) //Create a list control. var list = ""; list=list+'';list=list+','; list=list+'';list=list+','; list=list+'';list=list+''; lst = app.CreateList( list, 0.8, 0.35 ) lst.SetTextColor( "#222222" ); //Handle list item selection. function news_OnTouch( item ) { //Hide the dialog window. dlg.Hide() newsapp('https://'+item+ '/'); } lst.SetOnTouch( news_OnTouch ) layDlg.AddChild( lst ) //Show dialog. dlg.Show() } lod="file:///android_asset/htmlapp/lo.html"; dlgbg = app.CreateDialog( ); function bgload(lo) { layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); layDlg.SetSize( 1, 1 ); web = app.CreateWebView( 1, 1 ); web.SetBackColor( "#00000000" ); web.LoadUrl( lo); dlgbg.AddLayout( layDlg ); layDlg.AddChild( web ); dlgbg.Show(); } function findstrft(n,text){ position =; r=false; if(position>-1){ r=true; } //alert(r); return r; } agenttma='app:Androidtmaapp v2'; app.SetScreenMode( "Game" ); //Get app name and path. appName = app.GetName(); appPath = "/sdcard/" + appName; //--------------- var version = app.GetVersion(); /* if(version!="3.55"){ atmp='لطفا برنامه را بروز کنید'; app.Alert( version, atmp +"App Version:" ); } */ //-------------- app.MakeFolder(appPath); model = app.GetModel(); if(model=='JNY-LX1'){ app.ShowPopup( "سلام مدیر" ); //appai('سلام+مدیر+.خوش+آمدی'); } ///----------------------------------------------- var path = app.GetAppPath(); app.ExtractAssets( "plugs", path+"/plugins", true ); app.SetOnError( OnError ); //----------------------------------- _LoadPlugin2 = function( name ) { if( !name ) return; var privDir = app.GetPrivateFolder( "Plugins" ); var privDir = app.GetAppPath("Plugins"); var url = privDir+"/"+name.toLowerCase()+"/"+name+".inc" if( !app.FileExists(url) ) url = privDir+"/"+name.toLowerCase()+"/"+name+".js" _LoadScriptSync( url ); //app.Alert( url ); } //----------------------------------- //var path = app.GetAppPath(); // app.Alert( path ); //app.LoadPlugin( 'CustomTabs' ); //app.CreateCustomTabs2 = function() { _LoadPlugin2( "CustomTabs"); return new CustomTabsWrapperClass() } function OnError( msg, line, file ) { var text = 'Message: "' + msg + '"\n' + 'Line: ' + line + '\n' + 'File: "' + app.Uri2Path(file) + '"'; if(model=='JNY-LX1'){ app.Alert( text, "Received error message:" ); } Eror=" مشکلی پیش امد کد ارور "; Msg='لطفا این ارور را به ما اعلام فرمایید'; app.ShowPopup(Eror +'\nL E:'+ line + Msg); } /////// app.SetOrientation( "Portrait" ); var storeUrl = "/Sys/Img/Offline.png"; //file:///android_asset/htmlapp/off/index.html newstoreurl='file:///android_asset/htmlapp/off/index.html'; if(app.FileExists('/Sys/htmlapp/off/index.html')) { app.ShowPopup("myFile exists!"); storeUrl = newstoreurl; //bgload("file:///android_asset/htmlapp/lo.html" ); } else { //app.ShowPopup("myFile does not exist!"); } var appback=3; var appbacktit='بزنید تا بتوانید خارج شوید'; var msgnewtma='پیام جدید در نرم افزار تیما دارید'; var msglogout='درحال خروج از حساب کاربری'; appline='offline'; appPause=0; var appstart=0; app.EnableBackKey( false ); skb = app.CreateSeekBar( 0.8 ); // btnE.SetTextSize( 30, 'ps' ); btniconsize=60; btniconop='ps'; btnmode='Alum'; webhome="file:///Sys/htmlapp/home0.html"; webhome=apphhfff(""); // webhome=""; webhome=''; var file = "podlogin"; value = app.LoadText( file, "", file ); if(value=="Async is ready."){ webhome="file:///Sys/htmlapp/home0.html"; webhome=apphhfff(""); } talkweb=''; miniproxy=''; pod=""; spaceurl=''; spaceweb=apphhfff(''); topupweb=''; webfaktor=''; layapp = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" ); layFooter = app.CreateLayout("Linear","Horizontal"); layFooter.SetPosition(0,0.88,1,0.03); layFooter.SetBackColor("#dddddd"); webpage = app.CreateWebView( 1, 0.95, "IgnoreErrors,NoScrollBars" ); // webpage.SetOnUrl( web_hOnUrl ); function web_hOnUrl( urlq ) { if(urlq=="" || urlq=="" || urlq==""){ webpage.LoadUrl( lod); webpage.LoadUrl( webhome ); } } webtalk = app.CreateWebView( 1, 0.95, "IgnoreErrors,NoScrollBars" ); webspace = app.CreateWebView( 1, 0.95, "IgnoreErrors,NoScrollBars" ); webtopup = app.CreateWebView( 1, 0.95, "IgnoreErrors,NoScrollBars" ); function talkb(){ if(webtalk.CanGoBack() || webspace.CanGoBack() || webtopup.CanGoBack() ){ webtalk.Back(); webspace.Back(); if(webtopup.CanGoBack()){ webtopup.Back(); webtopup_OnComplete(); } }else{ dlgtalk.Dismiss(); dlgtopup.Dismiss(); dlgspace.Dismiss(); } } function web_OnUrl( urlq ) { a=urlq; // if( &&'')!=-1){ //accounts app.OpenUrl(urlq); //webtalk.Back(); webtalk.LoadUrl( talkweb ); //} // webtalk.Execute('var alertahtmlold=document.getElementById("app").innerHTML;function timertma(){document.getElementById("app").innerHTML!=alertahtmlold&&(alertahtmlold=document.getElementById("app").inneHrTML,new Audio("").play(),console.log("new message tma")),setTimeout(timertma,3e3)}timertma();'); } //-----------------------------------------------start webtalk.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgess ); //web_OnUrl //webtalk.SetOnUrl( web_OnUrl ); webtalk.SetOnConsole( callbtma ); webtalk.SetOnTouch( ontaudio ); function OnPause() { app.ShowPopup( "OnPause" ) ontaudio(); } function OnResume() { app.ShowPopup( "OnResume" ) webtalk.Execute('apppuse='+appstart+';'); } function ontaudio(){ // webtalk.Execute('apppuse='+appstart+';'); if(appstart==0){ appstart=1; tmpa="\r\nvar alertahtmlold=document.getElementsByClassName(\"_2wJ2R\")[0].innerHTML;\r\n\r\n\r\nfunction timertma() {\r\nlet tak =\'تاک\');\r\nif(tak>0 ){\r\n console.log(\"talk tak\");\r\n\r\n}\r\nif(document.getElementsByClassName(\"_2wJ2R\")[0].innerHTML!=alertahtmlold){\r\nalertahtmlold=document.getElementsByClassName(\"_2wJ2R\")[0].innerHTML;\r\nlet position =\'

\');\r\nlet position2 =\'
\');\r\nlet position3 =\'
\');\r\nlet position4 =\'
\');\r\nlet position5 =\'
\');\r\n\r\nlet position00 =\'id=\"message-\');\r\nif(position00>0 ){\r\n}else{\r\nif(position>0 || position2>0 || position3>0 || position4>0 || position5>0 ){\r\nvar audio = new Audio(\"\");\r\n;\r\n // alert();\r\n console.log(\"new message tma\");\r\n}\r\n}\r\n\r\n}\r\n setTimeout(timertma, 3000);\r\n}\r\n timertma();\r\n \r\n \r\n "; webtalk.Execute(tmpa); } } dlgtalk = app.CreateDialog( '','NoTitle,NoDim,NoCancel' ); dlgtalk.SetOnBack(talkb); webtalk.LoadUrl( talkweb ); layDlgtalk = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "Vertical,FillXY" ); layDlgtalk.SetSize( 1, 1 ); dlgtalk.AddLayout( layDlgtalk ); layDlgtalk.SetBackColor("#071024"); webtalk.SetSize(1,1); ///////////////////////////// layDlgtalk.AddChild( webtalk ); //--------------------- app.SetOnShowKeyboard( OnKeyboardShow ); function OnKeyboardShow() { var height = app.GetKeyboardHeight(); // txt.SetText( "Keyboard Height: " + height + "px" ); keyapp="0.4"+height; if(height==0){ webpage.SetSize(1,0.89); webtalk.SetSize(1,0.89); webspace.SetSize(1,0.89); webtopup.SetSize(1,0.89); layDlgtalk.SetSize( 1, 0.9); }else{ layDlgtalk.SetSize( 1, 0.9); webtalk.SetSize(1,1-Number(keyapp)); webspace.SetSize(1,1-Number(keyapp)); webtopup.SetSize(1,1-Number(keyapp)); webpage.SetSize(1,1-Number(keyapp)); } } //------------ dlgtalk.Show(); dlgtalk.Dismiss(); //-----------------------------------------------start webspace.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgess ); webspace.SetOnConsole( callbtma ); webspace.Execute('var connected = navigator.onLine;if(connected==false){location.replace("#offLine");}'); dlgspace = app.CreateDialog( '','NoTitle,NoDim,NoCancel' ); webspace.LoadUrl( spaceweb ); layDlgspace = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY,AutoCancel,NoCancel" ); layDlgspace.SetSize( 1, 1); dlgspace.SetOnBack(talkb); dlgspace.AddLayout( layDlgspace ); ///////////////////////////// layDlgspace.AddChild( webspace ); //------------ dlgspace.Show(); dlgspace.Dismiss(); //--------------------------end-------------------------------------------- dlgtopup = app.CreateDialog( '','NoTitle,NoDim,NoCancel' ); webtopup.LoadUrl( topupweb ); webtopup.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgess ); function webtopup_OnComplete(){ webtopup.Execute('document.getElementById("footer").style.display = "none";'); webtopup.Execute('const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("navbar-default navbar-fixed-top");'); webtopup.Execute('collection[0].style.display = "none";'); } webtopup.SetOnTouch( webtopup_OnComplete ); //webtopup.SetOnConsole( callbtma ); layDlgtopup = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY,AutoCancel,NoCancel" ); layDlgtopup.SetSize( 1, 1); dlgtopup.SetOnBack(talkb); layDlgtopup.AddChild( webtopup ); dlgtopup.AddLayout( layDlgtopup ); ///////////////////////////// //------------ dlgtopup.Show(); dlgtopup.Dismiss(); //----------------------------------------------- function Exitp(){ if(appback==1){ app.Exit(); }else{ appback=appback-1; if(appback<2){ app.ShowPopup(appback+appbacktit); } } } function OnBack() { if(webpage.CanGoBack() ){ webpage.Back(); }else{ // laypage.Animate("SlideToBottom") webpage.Stop() Exitp(); } app.Wait(0.5); } function talkapp(){ app.ShowPopup('test'); } function callbtma(msg){ //app.ShowPopup( model ); if(model=='JNY-LX1'){ app.ShowPopup(msg); } if(msg!=""){ if(msg=="Async is ready."){ var file = "podlogin"; app.SaveText( file, msg, file ); app.ShowPopup( "Value Saved." ); //webtalk.LoadUrl( talkweb ); } if(findstrft("talk tak",msg) || findstrft("new message tma",msg)){ webtalk.SetOnUrl( web_OnUrl ); } if(findstrft("show more",msg)){ btnmore_OnTouch(); } if(findstrft("show web-os",msg)){ webostma(); } if(findstrft("show ai11",msg)){ Speechapp(); } if(findstrft("show ai12",msg)){ //Speechapp(); webpage.LoadUrl( '' ); } if(findstrft("show tick",msg)){ //Speechapp(); webpage.LoadUrl( '' ); } if(findstrft("show nw",msg)){ newsapp(''); } if(findstrft("chatgtp-tma:",msg)){ tmpmsg=msg; tmpmsg =tmpmsg.replace("chatgtp-tma:", ""); appai(tmpmsg); } if(findstrft("show nw clarotmir",msg)){ newsapp(''); } if(findstrft("show news",msg)){ newstma(); //newsapp(''); }"videotma") if(position>-1){ tmpmsg=msg; tmpmsg =tmpmsg.replace("videotma", ""); //app.Alert(""+tmpmsg +".mp4") onvdeios(""+tmpmsg +".mp4"); } //skb.SetValue( 50 ); if(findstrft("show tma faktor",msg)){ //webpage.LoadUrl( webfaktor ); serverpc(); } if(findstrft("tmaback",msg)){ var file = "podlogin"; app.SaveText( file, '', file ); app.ShowPopup(msglogout); } if(findstrft("show app home",msg)){ webpage.LoadUrl( lod); webpage.LoadUrl( webhome ); } if(findstrft("show team",msg)) { webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); } if(findstrft("show talk",msg)){ //ontaudio(); /* webtopup.Execute('document.getElementById("footer").style.display = "none";'); webtopup.Execute('const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("navbar-default navbar-fixed-top");'); webtopup.Execute('collection[0].style.display = "none";'); */ /* webtopup.Execute('jQuery(".navbar").css("display", "none");'); webtopup.Execute('jQuery(".navbar-toggle").css("display", "none")'); webtopup.Execute('jQuery(".btn-success").css("display", "none")'); webtopup.Execute('jQuery(".navbar-brand").css("display", "none")'); webtopup.Execute('jQuery(".navbar").css("display", "none")'); */ layDlgtalk.SetSize( 1, 1 ); webtalk.Execute('const collection = document.getElementsByClassName("_2Z4Iq _1qsT3 _1CrGT");'); webtalk.Execute('collection[0].style.background = "#2F58CD";'); webtalk.Execute('var html = document.documentElement.outerHTML;console.log("htmldatatma:"+html);'); //.gWRK7 /* */ webtalk.Execute("const para = document.createElement(\"style\");const node = document.createTextNode(\"._1CrGT ._244V4 {\\r\\nbackground-color: #2F58CD !important;\\r\\n}\");para.appendChild(node);const element = document.getElementById(\"div1\");element.appendChild(para);"); //_2Z4Iq _1qsT3 gWRK7 webtalk.SetSize(1,0.9); dlgtalk.Show(); } //dlgspace.Show(); if(findstrft("show vid000tma",msg)){ webpage.LoadUrl( appbgf('') ); } if(findstrft("show space",msg)){ layDlgspace.SetSize( 1, 0.9); webspace.SetSize(1,0.9); dlgspace.Show(); } if(findstrft("show",msg)){ layDlgtopup.SetSize( 1, 0.9); webtopup.SetSize(1,0.9); dlgtopup.Show(); //tabs.OpenUrl( topupweb ); } if(findstrft("new message tma",msg) ){ tmpmsg='تیما'; appai(tmpmsg); notify = app.CreateNotification('AutoCancel'); notify.SetMessage( msgnewtma, "" , msgnewtma +"+1" ); notify.Notify( msgnewtma ); setTimeout( cancel, 5000 ); function cancel() { notify.Cancel( "testID" ); app.ShowPopup( "تیمی از ما کنار شماست" ); dlgtalk.Show(); } } } } //--------------------- function OnStart() { /* var version = app.GetVersion(); v=parseInt(version); if(v<2){ app.ShowPopup( v, " بروز رسانی نرم افزارApp Version:" ); var srcFileUrl = ""; app.OpenUrl(srcFileUrl); } */ layapp.AddChild( webpage ); //------------------------++ layapp.SetBackground( "/Sys/Img/bglogo.png" ) webpage.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgess ); webpage.SetOnConsole( callbtma ); webspace.SetOnProgress( web_OnProgess ); webspace.SetOnConsole( callbtma ); webspace.Execute('var connected = navigator.onLine;if(connected==false){location.replace("#offLine");}'); webspace.LoadUrl(spaceweb ); /* webtopup.Execute('var connected = navigator.onLine;if(connected==false){location.replace("#offLine");}'); webtopup.LoadUrl( topupweb ); */ //-----------------------*** app.AddLayout( layapp ); webpage.Execute('var connected = navigator.onLine;if(connected==false){location.replace("#offLine");}'); webpage.SetUserAgent( agenttma ); webpage.LoadUrl( lod); webpage.LoadUrl( webhome ); skb.SetRange( 100 ); skb.SetValue( 0 ); layFooter.AddChild( skb ); layapp.AddChild(layFooter); // layFooter.Hide(); } function web_OnProgess( progress ) { abb=webpage.GetUrl(); if('lohtml.html?aurltma')!=-1){ tmpabb=abb.replace('file:///Sys/htmlapp/lohtml.html?aurltma=','') webpage.SetOnUrl(tmpabb ); } // app.ShowProgressBar( "Loading..." ); //app.UpdateProgressBar( progress ); skb.SetValue( progress ); //layFooter.Show(); if(progress<50){ // dlga.Show(); HandleReply0(this.GetUrl()); httpGet(this.GetUrl()); } if(progress=100){ // dlgbg.Dismiss(); // dlga.hide(); if(webtopup.CanGoBack()){ webtopup_OnComplete(); } } if(progress>70){ a=webtalk.GetUrl(); if('')!=-1){ //webtalk.SetOnUrl( web_OnUrl ); } //layFooter.Hide(); } appback=3; // if (navigator.onLine) { //console.log('online'); } else { //console.log('offline'); } if(progress>=70){ app.HideProgressBar(); } // app.Debug( "progress = " + progress ); } /////////////////////////////////////// function HandleReply0( httpRequest ) { if( httpRequest.readyState==4 ) { if( httpRequest.status==0 ) { app.ShowPopup('offline') app.ShowPopup('09981009827 با مدیر برنامه تماس بگیرد یا اتصال اینترنت خود را بررسی کنید'); //storeUrl webpage.LoadUrl( storeUrl ); webtalk.LoadUrl( storeUrl ); webspace.LoadUrl( storeUrl ); webtopup.LoadUrl( storeUrl ); webpage.SetBackColor('#FFFFFF'); // laypage.Animate("SlideToBottom") // laypage.RemoveChild(webpage) appline='offline'; }else{ appline='online'; // callback(xhr.response); if(httpRequest.responseText==""){ httpRequest.responseText=app.LoadText(datas,""); } script=app.LoadText(datas,""); rep=httpRequest.responseText; //script=httpRequest.responseText if( rep.length>100 ){ app.SaveText(datas,httpRequest.responseText); script=httpRequest.response; } } } } function loadhtmltma(url) { var xhrqq = new XMLHttpRequest(); datas=url; xhrqq.onreadystatechange = function() { HandleReply0(xhrqq); };'GET', url, true); xhrqq.send(''); //app.ShowPopup(app.LoadText(datas,"")); return app.LoadText(datas,""); } function httpGet(theUrl) { // alert(loadhtmltma(theUrl)) return loadhtmltma(theUrl); /* var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", theUrl, false ); // false for synchronous request // xmlHttp.send( '' ); xmlHttp.onload = function () { if(xmlHttp.status === 200 ) { //alert("succeed") } else { return ''; // alert("failed") } } alert(xmlHttp.responseText) xmlHttp.send(); if (xmlHttp.status === 200) { return xmlHttp.responseText; }else{ return ''; } */ } function jsondata(theUrl){ var urlString = theUrl; urlParams = httpGet(urlString); // alert(fileContents) var fileContents = urlParams; if(fileContents!=''){ var Book = JSON.parse(fileContents); return Book; } } //////////////// ////---------------------------------------------------------- function SetHackerTheme() { var theme = app.CreateTheme("dark"); theme.SetBtnTextColor( "white" ); y='بله'; n='خیر'; //theme.SetButtonText(y,n); theme.SetTitleColor( "white" ); theme.SetDialogBtnTxtColor( "white" ); theme.SetTextColor( "white" ); theme.AdjustColor( -76 ); theme.SetTitleTextSize( 24, 'ps' ); app.SetTheme( theme ); } SetHackerTheme(); //app.SetScreenMode('Full'); ////////////////////////// function serverpc() { var count = 0; var indexhtml = ''; //app.WriteFile( "", indexhtml ); ip = app.GetIPAddress(); //app.Alert( ip +":2020", "Type the following address into your browser" ); tmptxt='برای استفاده از سیستم فاکتور ساز به ایپی اعلام شده بروید'; app.ShowPopup(ip +":2020"+ tmptxt ,"Long"); app.PreventWifiSleep(); serv = app.CreateWebServer( 2020 ,''); serv.SetFolder( webfaktor ); serv.SetOnReceive( serv_OnReceive ); serv.Start(); app.OpenUrl('http://'+ip +":2020"); // tabs = app.CreateCustomTabs2(); //tabs.OpenUrl( 'http://'+ip +":2020"); } //serverpc(); function miniproxy() { var count = 0; ip = app.GetIPAddress(); //app.Alert( ip +":2030", "Type the following address into your browser" ); tmptxt='برای استفاده از سیستم فاکتور ساز به ایپی اعلام شده بروید'; //app.ShowPopup(ip +":2030"+ tmptxt ,"Long"); app.PreventWifiSleep(); serv2 = app.CreateWebServer( 2030 ,''); serv2.SetFolder( miniproxy ); //serv2.SetOnReceive( serv_OnReceive ); serv2.Start(); //app.OpenUrl('http://'+ip +":2021"); } //miniproxy(); ///////////////////////////////// function dlfile(f1,f1name,sizef,debg) { var url = f1; var fldr = app.GetPath()+"/temp"; var file = f1name; //Make sure target folder exists. app.MakeFolder( fldr ) //Download file from web. //(You can leave out the 'file' parameter to use original file name) size2 = app.GetFileSize( fldr+'/'+file ) if(debg=='true'){ app.ShowPopup(sizef+"|"+size2); } if(app.FileExists(fldr+'/'+file) && size2==sizef) { if(debg=='true'){ app.ShowPopup("myFile exists!"); } } else { if(debg=='true'){ app.ShowPopup("dl file"); } dload = app.CreateDownloader( "NoDialog" ) dload.SetOnDownload( dload_OnDownload ) dload.SetOnError( dload_OnError ) dload.Download( url, fldr, file ) } } //Handle download completion. function dload_OnDownload( file ) { app.ShowPopup( "Downloaded: " + file ) } //Handle download errors. function dload_OnError( error ) { tmpal='مشکل در دریافت اطلاعات'; app.ShowPopup( tmpal+"Download failed: " + error ) } //throw "My thrown error"; var path = app.GetPrivateFolder( "temp" ); //app.ShowPopup( path ); var name = app.GetAppName(); function onvdeios(tmavid1){ app.SetScreenMode( "Game" ); app.SetOrientation( "LandScape" ); var itv; var aspect = app.GetScreenWidth( )/app.GetScreenHeight( ); function onvdeio(tmavid) { app.SetBackColor( "#000000" ); var subs = app.ReadFile( "" ); subsArr = srt2json(subs); main = app.CreateLayout( "Absolute" ); lay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "FillXY,VCenter" ); lay.SetSize( 1, 1 ); ovl = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter" );; ovl.SetOnTouchUp( Show ); main.AddChild( lay ); subLay = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "FillXY,Bottom" ); subLay.SetSize( 1, 1 ); subVert = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenter,FillX" ); subVert.SetSize( 0.8, 0.3 ); subVert2 = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "VCenterFillXY" ); subVert2.SetSize( 0.8, 0.3 ); subVerts = []; for(var i=0; i<4; i++){ subTxt = app.CreateText( "", -1, -1, "MultiLine" ); subTxt.SetBackColor( "#77000000" ); subTxt.SetTextColor( "#ffffff" ); if(i==3) subTxt.Hide(); subTxt.SetTextSize( 25 ); if(i==3) subVert2.AddChild( subTxt ); else subVert.AddChild( subTxt ); subVerts.push(subTxt); } subLay.AddChild( subVert ); main.AddChild( subVert2 ); main.AddChild( subLay ); ovl2 = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "FillXY" ); ovl2.Hide(); ovl2.SetOnTouchUp( Show ); ovl2.SetBackColor( "#99000000" ); ovl.AddChild( ovl2 ); btnPP = app.CreateButton( "⏸️", 0.09, 0.09*aspect, "FontAwesome,Custom" ); btnPP.SetStyle( "#99000000","#99000000",30,"#00000000",0,0 ); btnPP.SetBackColor( "#00000000" ); btnPP.SetMargins( 0, 0.5-0.15*aspect/2 ); btnPP.SetTextSize( 50 ); btnPP.SetOnTouch( OnPP ); ovl2.AddChild( btnPP ); btn = app.CreateButton( "❌" ,0.07,0.07,'Custom'); btn.SetStyle( "#99000000","#99000000",30,"#00000000",0,0 ); btn.SetBackColor( "#00000000" ); btn.SetOnTouch( Sayclose ); function Sayclose(){ app.SetOrientation( "Portrait" ); app.RemoveLayout(main ); } ovl2.AddChild( btn ); seekL = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Bottom" ); seekL.SetOnTouchUp( Show ); hor = app.CreateLayout( "Linear", "Horizontal,Left" ); hor.SetSize( 0.9 ); hor.SetOnTouchUp( Show ); tim = app.CreateText( "??/??",0.5-0.05, -1, "Left" ); tim.SetTextColor( "#ffffff" ); tim.SetOnTouchUp( Show ); tim.SetTextSize( 22 ); hor.AddChild( tim ); tq = app.CreateText( "Quality: 480p",0.5-0.05, -1, "Right" ); tq.SetTextColor( "#ffffff" ); tq.SetOnTouchUp( Show ); tq.SetTextSize( 22 ); hor.AddChild( tq ); seekL.AddChild( hor ); seekL.SetSize( 0.95, 0.5-0.15*aspect/2 ); seek = app.CreateSeekBar( 0.95, -1 ); seek.SetRange( 1 ); seek.SetOnChange( OnSeek ); seek.SetColorFilter( "#ffffff", "SRC_IN" ); seekL.AddChild( seek ); ovl2.AddChild( seekL ); app.ShowProgress( "درحال دریافت اطلاعات از سرور" ); player = app.CreateVideoView( 1, 1 ); player.SetOnReady( playerOnReady ); player.SetOnError( player_OnError ); lay.AddChild( player ); player.SetFile( tmavid ); main.Hide(); app.AddLayout( main ); var w = player.GetWidth(); var h = player.GetHeight(); ovl.SetSize( w, h ); ovl.SetPosition( 0.5-w/2, 0.5-h/2 ); main.AddChild( ovl ); main.Show(); } onvdeio(tmavid1); function srt2json(data) { var text = data.toString(); var lines = text.split('\n'); if(lines[lines.length-1].trim()!="") lines.push(""); var output = []; var buffer = { content: [] }; lines.forEach(function(line,i) { if(! = line; else if(!buffer.start) { var range = line.split(' --> '); buffer.start = TimeFix(range[0]); buffer.end = TimeFix(range[1]); } else if(line !== ''){ buffer.content.push(line); } else { output.push(buffer); buffer = { content: [] }; } }); return output; } function TimeFix(str) { return eval(str.split(":").reverse().map(function (n,i){return Number(n.replace(",","."))*Math.pow(60, i);}).join("+")); } function OnSub(sub) { subTxt.SetText( sub ); } function OnSeek(val) { = new Date().getTime(); player.SeekTo( val*player.GetDuration() ); } function Itv() { var dur = player.GetDuration(); var pos = player.GetPosition(); var sub = ""; subsArr.forEach(function (n){if(CheckSub(pos, n))sub=n.content.slice();}); if(sub=="") subVert.Hide(); else { subVerts.forEach(function (subT,i) { if(i>=3) return; if(sub[i]){ subVerts[3].SetText( " "+sub[i].trim()+" " ); if(subVerts[3].GetLineCount()>1){ subT.SetText( " "+sub[i].trim().substring(0,(subVerts[3].GetLineStart(1)-2))+" " ); var st = sub[i].trim().substring(0,(subVerts[3].GetLineStart(1)-2)); sub[i+1] = (sub[i+1]?sub[i+1]:"")+sub[i].replace(st, ""); } else subT.SetText( " "+sub[i].trim()+" " ); if(!isNaN(subVert.GetChildOrder( subT )))subVert.AddChild(subT); } else { subVert.RemoveChild( subT ); subT.SetText( "" ); } }); subVert.Show(); } if(new Date().getTime()%1000<=100){ seek.SetValue(pos/dur); } if(FixTime(dur.toFixed(0))==FixTime(pos.toFixed(0)) ){ } tim.SetText( FixTime(pos.toFixed(0))+"/"+FixTime(dur.toFixed(0)) ); if(! Date().getTime()>=3500) Show(); } function CheckSub(a, b) { return (b.start0){ if(secs>=3600){ h+=1; secs-=3600; } else if(secs>=60) { m+=1; secs-=60; } else{ s=secs; secs-=secs;} } return (h>0?(h+":"+(m>9?+m:"0"+m)+":"+(s>9?s:"0"+s)):(m>9?+m:"0"+m)+":"+(s>9?s:"0"+s)); } function playerOnReady() { app.HideProgress(); app.ShowPopup( "بارگیری شد", "Bottom!" ); player.Play(); itv = setInterval(Itv, 20); } function player_OnError(e) { app.HideProgress(); app.ShowPopup( "Failed to load!", "Bottom" ); } } //////////////////////----------- //Called when user touches our button. function btnmore_OnTouch() { //Create dialog window. dlg = app.CreateDialog( "Choose a Fruit" ) dlg.SetTitleColor( "#00796B" ) dlg.SetBackColor( "#ffffff", 5 ) //Create a layout for dialog. layDlg = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "vertical,fillxy,left" ) layDlg.SetMargins( 0,0,0,0.01 ) dlg.AddLayout( layDlg ) //Create a list control. var list = ""; list=list+'ارسال پیام آفلاین با همکاران,'; list=list+'تماس افلاین با همکاران,'; list=list+'ارسال پیام متنی افلاین به دیگران,'; list=list+'اطلاعات یاب,'; list=list+'whois,'; list=list+'ساعت کاری,'; list=list+'web-os,'; list=list+'مدیریت تیکت ها,'; list=list+'مدیریت پروژه,'; list=list+'خط فرمان,'; list=list+'متن صدا کن,'; list=list+'خبر خوان وردپرس,'; lst = app.CreateList( list, 0.8, 0.35 ) lst.SetTextColor( "#222222" ) lst.SetOnTouch( lstmore_OnTouch ) layDlg.AddChild( lst ) //Show dialog. dlg.Show() } //Handle list item selection. function lstmore_OnTouch( item ) { //Hide the dialog window. dlg.Hide() //Show which fruit the user chose. app.ShowPopup( "You chose " + item, "Short" ) if(item=='ارسال پیام متنی افلاین به دیگران') { webmsg=''; app.OpenUrl(webmsg); } // if(item=='web-os') { webostma(); } if(item=='خط فرمان'){ Speechapp(); } if(item=='متن صدا کن'){ txt2aiplay(); } if(item=='ساعت کاری') { webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); } // if(item=='مدیریت سایت با موبایل') { name1=""; //Webman(name1); } if(item=='مدیریت پروژه') { webtimego=''; webpage.LoadUrl( webtimego ); } if(item=='خبر خوان وردپرس') { // app.ShowTextDialog( "آدرس سایت حدف:", '' , wpfeed ); function wpfeed( name ) { newsapp(name); } } }